Tuesday 8 December 2009

Who dunnit? Google, that's who.

 Google has done it. They have brought back the past and I plan to delve deep into it. We know that Google is invaluable for writers, and if you have to ask why, you're writing is lacking something called research. Now, Google has launched something for readers aptly named: Google Books. I went on the website earlier today because I heard that they put all the old issues of Life magazine there. And of course, I searched the magazine for someone that interests me greatly - Agatha Christie.

Agatha Christie is a reclusive writer who gave few interviews but she did a great one with Life. She talks about her writing habits, her hobbies, her husband and her own personal mystery. It was a fascinating read.  So, if you have the chance, go and look up the past and see what you've been missing.


J.L. Campbell said...

Thanks for sharing this. What I'd really like to start doing is reading some classics, but my eyes are rebelling at the thought of all that reading.

Ann Elle Altman said...

I do a lot of reading everyday when I review for other novelists. So, I haven't really had a chance to sit down with a good 'printed' book for awhile.


Anonymous said...

A great find!! Thank you! I'm itching to read some classics. :)

(I pulled up 'Jane Eyre' with excitement, only to discover it's writing en francais. LOL. But 'A Christmas Carol' is in English, and I've never read it.)

Your blog is looking great. I love the Twitter buttons.

Ann Elle Altman said...

Thank you Corra... I searched Google images for them. They relate so well to my blog.
